Monday, August 16, 2010

"The Day My God Died"

I am currently watching this documentary again and once again find myself sobbing uncontrollably out of anger and heartbreak and disbelief. There are days where the weight of this truth is so heavy and the passion inside me for justice is so overwhelming, I fear I might break. There are days where it consumes me. 
I ache for these girls and women.
I am enraged by the violence
and injustice
and unspoken horrors committed against them.
I am heartbroken by their hopelessness,
inspired by their resilience,
disillusioned by their struggles,
and encouraged by their recovery.
They are the reason I do this work, why I throw my heart and soul into this cause, why I yearn to be there and walk beside them step by step on the path to freedom.

I feel like I am bursting at the seams today, and I wish I could make everyone around me understand why. I hope this documentary helps convey what's in my heart and head a bit. And I hope it makes other people feel the same flurry of emotions (though I swear "emotions" doesn't even begin to encompass this) that I am feeling.
Anyone can be a force for freedom. How is your heart being called today?
Contact us at for more ways to get involved. Remember, we are still collecting items/donations for the CAST LA shelter for trafficking survivors. Every little bit helps.

1 comment:

  1. This is way to hard to without taking breaks. It breaks my heart. I can't begin to describe how amazed I am by all that you do.
