Thursday, April 29, 2010

We are the answer.

Last night, Lisa Ling came to the USC campus to give a talk about her experiences as an investigative journalist. She is an incredibly eloquent, composed, articulate woman, and it was a pleasure hearing her speak. She discussed a variety of stories and issues she has addressed in her career and showed video clips from some of the work she has done for National Geographic. Near the end of her talk, she began discussing human trafficking. She has done a lot of great work on the topic, and I really felt reinvigorated after hearing her speak. She also shared a short poem about injustice. It ends asking God why there is so much suffering in the world, and what He is doing to help those who are suffering...and God responds "I made you."
That really hit me. I firmly believe that everyone has a purpose and that everyone can contribute their piece of good to the world. I want to be a force for good in this world. I want SSGF to be a force of positive change. I want my passion to translate into action, and my love into hope. Human trafficking is an issue that affects me to the core. I know that I cannot walk away from this issue--now that my eyes have been opened to the horrors of this practice, I cannot pretend I haven't seen it.
"Now that I have seen, I am responsible.
Faith without deeds is dead...
Now that I have held you, in my own arms
I cannot let go 'til you are..."
So I will keep pushing forward and She Shall Go Free will continue to grow. I hope you will join us in this movement. If you want to get more involved, e-mail us at Have your own ideas about what you want to see happen? Let us know. We want to hear your perspectives and your hopes. Again, we couldn't be doing this without you.
Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen  Escaping the Devil's Bedroom: Sex Trafficking, Global Prostitution, and the Gospel's Transforming Power
With love,

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